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The energy content breakdown shows the amount of the macronutrients (i.e. carbohydrate, protein and fat) contained in one serving of the recipe and their relative contribution (in %) to the total energy content of the serving.
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The enthralling event did see a few minor obvious challenges, with some cars getting stuck in the sand. However, the marshals and rescue teams were quick to respond and ensured that drivers were soon back on course.
To top off the perfect day out, participants were brought to a desert camp in the Bassata Village, where they enjoyed an all-inclusive dinner, complete with entertainment, games and other fun activities, before they returned home.
The event was powered by Nexen Tyres. The timing partner was G-shock, lubricant partner Castrol, autocare partner Al Saeedi Pro, F&B partner NFPC and banking partner RAKBank. Associate sponsors included Just Vegan, TORC the off-roading company, and check-point sponsor Al Jazeera poultry farm.Desert Drive 2020 allowed participants to explore the desert in a fun and safe way. Over 70 marshals guided adrenaline junkies, families, experienced drivers and newbies as they hit the rolling dunes. The desert route was marked into six sections, with each being preceded by a checkpoint to track the progress of the participants.
The enthralling event did see a few minor obvious challenges, with some cars getting stuck in the sand. However, the marshals and rescue teams were quick to respond and ensured that drivers were soon back on course.
To top off the perfect day out, participants were brought to a desert camp in the Bassata Village, where they enjoyed an all-inclusive dinner, complete with entertainment, games and other fun activities, before they returned home.
The event was powered by Nexen Tyres. The timing partner was G-shock, lubricant partner Castrol, autocare partner Al Saeedi Pro, F&B partner NFPC and banking partner RAKBank. Associate sponsors included Just Vegan, TORC the off-roading company, and check-point sponsor Al Jazeera poultry farm.Desert Drive 2020 allowed participants to explore the desert in a fun and safe way. Over 70 marshals guided adrenaline junkies, families, experienced drivers and newbies as they hit the rolling dunes. The desert route was marked into six sections, with each being preceded by a checkpoint to track the progress of the participants.
The enthralling event did see a few minor obvious challenges, with some cars getting stuck in the sand. However, the marshals and rescue teams were quick to respond and ensured that drivers were soon back on course.
To top off the perfect day out, participants were brought to a desert camp in the Bassata Village, where they enjoyed an all-inclusive dinner, complete with entertainment, games and other fun activities, before they returned home.
The event was powered by Nexen Tyres. The timing partner was G-shock, lubricant partner Castrol, autocare partner Al Saeedi Pro, F&B partner NFPC and banking partDesert Drive 2020 allowed participants to explore the desert in a fun and safe way. Over 70 marshals guided adrenaline junkies, families, experienced drivers and newbies as they hit the rolling dunes. The desert route was marked into six sections, with each being preceded by a checkpoint to track the progress of the participants.
The enthralling event did see a few minor obvious challenges, with some cars getting stuck in the sand. However, the marshals and rescue teams were quick to respond and ensured that drivers were soon back on course.
To top off the perfect day out, participants were brought to a desert camp in the Bassata Village, where they enjoyed an all-inclusive dinner, complete with entertainment, games and other fun activities, before thner RAKBank. Associate sponsors included Just Vegan, TORC the off-roading company, and check-point sponsor Al Jazeera poultry farm.